山东特博特建筑科技有限公司(以下简称:TBT)是由山东天意控股有限公司与Bernhard Heid德国团队共同出资组建的中德合资公司,秉承“德国精神 天意工匠”的革新理念,以“让机械装配建筑”的企业愿景,引进并消化德国先进的施工设备技术,专业致力于推进国内建筑工业化应用技术发展,提供适合国内市场的较专业较高效的解决方案和施工装备。 Shandong TBT Building Technology co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as: TBT) is a Sino-German joint venture company by the Shandong TIANYI Holdings co., LTD and Bernhard Heid with German team, adhering to the "Tianyi products with German spirit" the innovation idea, to "let the mechanical assembly building" enterprise vision, the introduction of advanced construction equipment and applicated the German technology, professional commitment to promote the development of domestic bu..